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Feelings and Emotions

What are emotions and what do they tell us about ourselves, situations, and the world? This is a topic that can be difficult to discuss. If you’re looking for new ways to teach kids about emotions, these fun activity will help your students recognize and label their feelings. The game is simple. One of the participants is hiding behind a wall or a screen. The other participants can only listen but not see him/she. Each participant is given a fairytale and a fifferenr emotion (happy, angry, sad, afraid, bored, confused  etc), that the others don't know. He/she has to read the fairytale to the others,  using the emotion that has been given to him/her. The purpose of the game is that other participants have to guess the emotion expressed. The objectives of this activity are that the participants will understand what are the different feelings and emotions, why it is important to know and recognize them and how every person may express their feelings in a different way. After the ...

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